Freshwater Theatre is holding auditions for The Drowning Girls by Beth Graham, Daniela Vlaskalic, and Charlie Tomlinson, Directed by Ben Layne.

Bessie, Alice and Margaret have a few things in common: They are married to George Joseph Smith, and they are dead. Surfacing from the bathtubs they were drowned in, the three breathless brides gather evidence against their womanizing, murderous husband by reliving the shocking events leading up to their deaths. Reflecting on the misconceptions of love, married life, and the not-so-happily ever after, The Drowning Girls is both a breathtaking fantasia and a social critique, full of rich images, a myriad of characters, and lyrical language.

Auditions will consist of 5 minute time slots, in which we ask that you prepare a monologue, folktale, or poem of your choosing, along with a short song, hymn, or lullaby to be sung acapella. You do not need to be a trained singer, simply carry a tune.

Can’t make the audition, but are interested? Shoot us an email and we will see if we can set up an alternative time.

Please note: Those cast must be comfortable getting wet (fully clothed) from head to foot onstage.

Rehearsals will be held weeknights (M-Th) and some Saturday afternoons, Feb 25-April 2nd. Tech week is April 1-5.

Performance dates: April 6-20. Performances will be at the Crane Theater in NE Minneapolis.

Stipend: $150

We are seeking three women, any ethnicity, any type, age 25-45 to play these roles:

BESSIE (also plays: George, Caroline, John, Dr. Billings, Mrs. Rapley, Amelia, Marks, and Sgt. Page)

ALICE (also plays: John, George, Henry, Mrs. Tuckett, Mrs. Crossley, Jane, Inspector Neil, and Mr. Bodkin)

MARGARET (also plays: Henry, The Conductor, Alice’s Mother, Mrs. Blatch, Sgt. Reid, Knowles, and Miss Brighton)

Auditions will be held at Hennepin Square (2021 E. Hennepin Avenue) on Saturday, January 26, 2019 from 12:00pm-4:00pm

Callbacks will be held Sunday, February 3, 2019 from 2:00pm-5:00pm

Please email Freshwater Theatre at for a 5 minute time slot. If you need a specific time, we can do our best to accommodate. Otherwise, we will assign you the next slot available. Please also direct any questions regarding the production to that same email address.

The Drowning Girls is staged by arrangement with Ian Arnold, Catalyst TCM, Inc.

In repertory with The Drowning Girls, Freshwater will also be producing another of our award winning anthology shows: Our Blood Runs Cold, a storytelling/short form showcase centered around crime stories set in The North.

We are seeking 4-6 pieces, 7-15 minutes long. These should be storytelling/monologue pieces, or scenes with a maximum of three performers. These stories can be true crime or fictional.  We are accepting scripts or script proposals from now until March 1, 2019.  Compensation will be a box office split between all artists involved; this has typically averaged from $80 to $130 per performer.

Performance dates will be: April 7, 8, 12,  and14 at 7:30pm

Please feel free to contact Ruth Virkus with any questions about this project.  Questions and scripts/proposals should be sent to