Running in rep with our run of My Life Through History (An Autistic Man’s Journey) we present the Freshwater Fringe Throwback, limited engagements with Freshwater company members, revisiting hit solo shows from Fringes past – one last chance before they’re gone!
Scot Moore will remount Men Will Be Boys, an entertaining, yet critical look at how young men and boys are raised into institutional sexism, Mame Pelletier presents Confessions of a Delinquent Cheerleader, sharing the misguided antics of one particular teenager in the late 1980’s with some balls-to-the-wall honesty, and a little audience interaction, and Ariel Leaf will bring you Other Fish in the Sea, in which she shares her loves – sometimes humiliating, sometimes hilarious – in a series of tales gathered from cabarets over the past few years, plus one new tiny heartbreaker.
Sunday, April 2 7:30pm
Scot Moore: Men Will Be Boys and Mame Pelletier: Confessions of a Delinquent Cheerleader
Monday, April 3 7:30pm
Ariel Leaf: Other Fish in the Sea
Friday, April 7 7:30pm
Ariel Leaf: Other Fish in the Sea and Mame Pelletier: Confessions of a Delinquent Cheerleader
Sunday, April 9 7:30pm
Scot Moore: Men Will Be Boys and Mame Pelletier: Confessions of a Delinquent Cheerleader
Wednesday, April 12 7:30pm
Scot Moore: Men Will Be Boys
Lisa Stratton – Gender Justice
PH Copeland – Equity organizer for Good Food Access Campaign, American Heart Association
Dan Buck – Grass roots organizer, NARAL Pro-Choice Minnesota
All Performances at The Crane Theater
2303 Kennedy St. NE
Minneapolis, MN 55413